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We love because He first loved us - 1 John 4:19

In Christian response to this love, which is revealed to us in the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, we seek to love and care for all people here in our community.

Feeding Those in Need
We help support local shelters and food pantries, such as the Good Samaritan House and Murphysboro Food Pantry. Donations are collected and delivered regularly by our pastors and volunteers.

Grief Support Group

We offer a bi-weekly grief support group meeting on Sunday afternoons at the church.  This support group is available to anyone living in the Carbondale or surrounding area.  Having a supportive place to turn to after the death of a loved one can be an important and meaningful part of grieving and healing.  Whether you are a resident, professional, or university student, you are welcome to attend.  There is no cost to participate.  We use the GriefShare series of videos and facilitated conversation guides the group through the process of grieving toward healing and joy.  Each session is designed to be self-contained so participants can join at any time.

National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI)

NAMI Jackson County Family and Friends Support Group meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month (except for holidays) at 7:00pm at our church.  Meetings are open to anyone with a friend or family member struggling with mental health issues.

NeuroRestorative Ministry
Founded in 1977, NeuroRestorative Carbondale was the first dedicated after-hospital rehabilitation program in the country for people with brain injury and has continued as a leader in the field for more than thirty years.  As part of our ministry to the community, we offer an hour-long Bible study on Monday mornings for men and women who are a part of the NeuroRestorative program.  Several volunteers from the congregation help lead the study.

Volunteer Chaplains

Pastor Holden routinely takes on-call shifts at Memorial Hospital of Carbondale in order to provide spiritual care for any and all who need it, whether that be patients, their families, or the hospital staff.

Police Department Chaplain
Pastor Weeks serves as a Police Chaplain for the Carbondale Police Department and provides spiritual care to our community and officers.

Saluki Cares at SIU
Our pastors are involved with Southern Illinois University’s Saluki Cares program.  Saluki Cares is an early alert initiative composed of professionals from different areas of campus life who work with students on a regular basis.  The program facilitates and coordinates a University-wide program of care and support for students in distress.

Church Office: (618) 549-1694

Pastor Holden cell: (618) 521-8006

Pastor Weeks cell: (618) 517-4475

Our Savior Lutheran Church
and Lutheran Student Center
700 S. University Ave.
Carbondale, IL 62901

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©2024 by Our Savior Lutheran Church and Lutheran Student Center

Proudly created by Kate Hines Graphics

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